If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer... If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire for we have some flax-golden tales to spin. ~Shel Silverstein

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Tin Forest

The Tin Forst 
By Helen Ward  Illustrated by Wayne Anderson

I was first introduced to this book at a preschool I was working at and was immediately smitten.  The story and the illustrations are AMAZING.  I bought it for gifts, then bought it for my own kids.  This is a story about an older man (grandfatherish) who lives alone in a garbage dump of sorts, "near nowhere and close to forgotten, that was filled with all the things that no one wanted".   Every night he dreamed he lived in a forest. One day the lonely old man gets an idea and turns the garbage into an incredibly made forest which soon attracts real animals and starts growing real trees and flowers which completes his dreams.  

Why your child will love this book:  Odd enough to say but there is a slight sadness about this book when it begins but it ends happily.  There is something old feeling about this tale.  I think it draws kids in.  The illustrations will keep your child busy.  There is so much detail and little things you just don't notice right away.  It is a joy to look at.

What I love about this book:   The story is one all kids need to hear, it is suitable for adults too!  It's message is to work towards your dreams and make the most out of what you have.  The illustrations by themselves are enough of a reason to buy this book.

Age Recommendation:  Preschool and up 

Sample Verse:  Right in the middle was a small house, with small windows.  And in the house lived an old man who never stopped dreaming.

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